Thread: Advice needed
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Old 14-10-10, 15:13
dafi dafi is offline  
Join Date: Nov 2006
Posts: 31
Default Advice needed

Hi folks

I hope some one can help me here as I seem to be drawing a blank where ever I look. My problem is this .I would like to get some shots printed up but the places I have tried will only print photos to a certain size’s like 6x4. I have a lot of shots that have odd crop sizes as I have used a freeform crop to achieve the composition I like. What I need is some where that will just print the files I send them. I would like to have a say on the size of the final print, say 12”, 16” or 20” for the width of a panoramic shot and have then constrain the proportions so my photo does not come out stretched or compressed. I hope this question is clear enough as I am a bit short on the old tec speak. I should also mention that cost it a consideration here as I am not looking to spend loads of cash on printing.

Thanks for reading.

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