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Old 20-11-10, 00:02
kinglott kinglott is offline  
Join Date: Nov 2010
Location: Dundee, Scotland
Posts: 1
Default Looking for a camera

Hi there

I'm by all means a newbie when it comes to cameras and I'm looking to buy something that I can get lots of enjoyment from. I've been interested in photography for a while now and the pixelated shots I get from my digital sony cybershot have had their day. My interest is not casual, I'm looking to draw inspiration from my photography for 3D modelling, artwork and video game concept designs, but also as a creative pass-time.

I'm interested in taking all kinds of photographs from night-time skies to landscape views, architecture to the spots on a ladybird. but I'm not entirely sure what I should be looking for. I've been looking at DSLR cameras for the past week or so and although appealing in the quality images they can produce, I'm not sure they're the kind of cameras I'm looking for (or at least I've not found one yet that I can be certain of). One of my main gripes with the DSLR cameras is that they all have the ability to take recordings - a nice addition, but not something I'm interested in, I want something that just takes still pictures but I also want a camera with lots of adjustable settings. Digital is a must because I don't have the funding to purchase film on a regular basis.

I'm also unsure about lenses - I'm looking to take landscape shots and I've been reading that a wide lens is more appealing (which I'm in agreement with and had been thinking the same thing), but I'm also looking to take close up shots of things which I'm guessing would need an entirely different lens?

I'm sorry is this is a bit vague but could anyone give me some advice on what I should be looking for? Or just point me in the right direction? I have an overall budget of £750.


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