Thread: Canon 7d
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Old 12-12-10, 22:25
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I upgraded from an original 20D to a 40D and was rather underwhelmed in that although the 40D was a better camera there was no great increase in picture quality. I then upgraded to the 7D and WOW. Quite a learning curve for things like autofocus settings (so many options) but the picture quality is frankly amazing. With a first class lens it really shines, with a lower class lens it is limited by the lens. In other words it reveals the differences in your lens, it does not make a lower class worse but reveals what you are paying for with a top class lens. The camera itself is well made, very responsive and is allows heavy cropping without visible loss of quality. I still have the 40D as a "backup" but I have never used it since getting the 7D. Just love the 7D, can't recommend it highly enough. Widely recognised as probably the best camera in this sector of the market, certainly the one to beat.
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