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Old 29-12-10, 18:50
Cookie Cookie is offline  
Join Date: Dec 2010
Location: UK
Posts: 88

I brought the Olympus EPL-1!!
I tried my best to haggle with them in Jessops, but I didn't get to far. Maybe the old charm is wearing out! I do have 300 free 6 x 4 prints from them though.
Hello. Thank you for your advice. I did see the cameras you were talking about in the Jessops store, but I preferred the ease-of-use that the Oly had and the live-guide feature it provided. Also, thanks for noticing the chess-board photo comment. Stuff like that is just up my street, and I inted to purchase a faster lens in the forseeable future.

Well that is christmas and birthday money spent, memory card, filter, camera, and bag brought!
Photography is beautiful, it not only broadens your creative horizon, it captures the essence of life.
Please check out my gallery, I upload photos daily - some on there at the moment!
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