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Old 24-03-11, 11:35
davet47 davet47 is offline  
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Default Selling prints from my website

I hope someone can help with this: I've set up a website( to showcase and hopefully sell some prints but when I tried to set up a Paypal account, Paypal wanted me to authorise a direct debit from my bank account which I don't see a need for. I only wanted to use Paypal for people to purchase prints-I would not use it to buy items. Paypal didn't seem interested in replying to my queries about this, they just wanted me to validate the account and set up the direct debit so I cancelled the whole thing. I now need to find an alternative method of letting purchasers pay me for prints.( I know they could pay by cheque but this itself has pitfalls).
I am registered with Google Checkout but don't know if payments can be made through this onto say a credit card.
If any one has a simple solution I'd be grateful!
Being "old school" (or just old!) I don't do on line banking and am wary of putting bank details in websites.

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