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Old 27-03-12, 19:51
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miketoll miketoll is offline  
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Never used a studio meter but it strikes me you need to take your incidence light reading at the position of the subject which would automatically take into account the two flash heads as it would read the combined light subject arriving at the subject. With lights point the dome towards the camera position. If nothing else try that, take a few shots, and see.
Reflected light is the same as your camera uses so if it is a portrait take the reading from the the side of the face which is receiving the most light, being careful not to get in the way of the light source yourself. I say take the reading from the face as that is the main subject and is also going to contain the highlights, expose for the highlights so they don't burn out and let the shadows look after themselves. If the shadows are too dark on the side of face towards the lesser powered light increase that lights power or move the light nearer the subject a little to even things up a bit, do not alter the exposure itself.
Hope that makes sense and someone will correct me if I am wrong.
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