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Old 02-11-12, 14:04
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postcardcv postcardcv is offline
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I can see why the 400 would be worth upgrading from it's high ISO performance is very poor compared to others (of the Canons I have used only the 300D was worse at high ISOs). For me one of the biggest advantages of the 60D over the 650D Is the bigger buffer which if you shoot RAW and ever take bursts is a big thing. That said I think that the xxxD cameras are often overlooked but they are very capable cameras. I recently picked up a 600D for it's video options and have been pleasantly surprised by the build quality. It is smaller in the hand than other options but still feels fine and relatively solid, the biggest issue for me is the small viewfinder (but coming from a 400D this shouldn't be an issue). Unless you need a big buffer and faster frame rate then the 650D is probably a good option, if you need those things perhaps consider saving a bit longer for a 7D which is a whole different beast.
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