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Old 12-11-12, 09:50
gordon g gordon g is offline  
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Default My photo of the week 12/11/12

This is it!

This image itself is very simple - just a narrowboat chimney with backlit smoke. It isnt so much the image itself that makes this my favourite this week, but what it evokes. Most of my childhood holidays were spent on a narrowboat touring the canals and navigations of the Midlands and north of England, so this image brings back memories of the smell of wood smoke from the stove, the throbbing of the engine carried through the hull when we were moving and the whisper of water passing under the bows. At this time of year, you could sit on the roof of the engine room, with your legs warm inside the hatch and a mix of frost and smoke in the air, watching the world pass by at a gentle walk.
So, this is one of those images that might not mean much to some, but resonates with me...
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