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Old 12-11-13, 09:33
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miketoll miketoll is offline  
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At the moment if I go out on a walk or just go somewhere then I tend to take my little Canon compact which is OK in good bright conditions but is obviously limited. Sometimes I am amazed by what it can do, other times disappointed. If I go somewhere for a specific purpose I will take my DSLR and what I hope will be the appropriate lens or lenses. What I would like is something that is much better in less than ideal conditions than a compact but does not have the weight or bulk of a DSLR when I do the more casual stuff. I tend to shoot most of my stuff at longer focal lengths so the larger sensor CSC's are probably out as their longer focal length stuff will be large. Which leaves me with micro 4/3 as a, hopefully, good compromise. Yes I realize it is all about compromise but it would certainly be better than a compact with it's tiny sensor.
I would be very interested to know in more detail what the Panasonic 100-300 is like. I know it is consumer grade rather than pro grade but that is all I know.
Guess as a pensioner I am just not as young or strong as I once was for lugging heavy stuff on long walks or up mountains just on the off chance of a good shot!
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