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Old 15-12-15, 12:29
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postcardcv postcardcv is offline
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I had a fisheye for a few months and initially really liked it. However they really are a one trick pony and unless your style of shooting works with the curved lines that a fisheye gives then they can be hard to use. I ended up selling mine on go a friend, on occasions I have regretted it but not enough to buy another one. In my experience the screw on fisheye adopters to not give a true fisheye view, they just distort the image to give the look.

A wide angle rectilinear lens as Robski suggested might be a better way to go. These ultra wide angle lenses will allow you to keep your lines straight while still giving a distorted reality. They tend to be easier lenses to use though it is important to keep your camera level as any wonkiness will show up. (I am bad at this so am writing it to remind myself to think about it when my ultra wide arrives).
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