Thread: Queston??
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Old 10-04-06, 21:34
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Originally Posted by Frank Peeters
Okay, I've been doing some reading, and playing on the sim-cam website. It started me thinking, My sigma 50/500mm lens is F4-6.3. Should I set my D50 up for an aperture of 6.3 since that is the opening (aperture?) that the lens will be? Then adjust to a slower shutter speed to compesate for the small aperture? Or do I still not have my think straight?


Hi Frank, your lens is marketed as f4-6.3, this is the largest aperture this lens will go. As the aperture is relative to the focal length, and the lens is a zoom lens (variable focal length), the aperture is shown as a range. The biggest your lens will go at the 50mm end of the zoom is f4, by the time it's got to the 500mm end, that equates to f6.3.

If you leave the camera on auto program, it will adjust the aperture to whatever setting it thinks is best for the amount of light available. This may, or may not, be the widest the lens will go.

If you use manual mode, or aperture priority, and set the camera to f4 (at the short end) or f6.3 at the long end, the aperture will be at its widest and you will get the fastest shutter speed possible under the lighting conditions you have (unless you adjust the ISO 'film' speed).

Hope this makes sense.

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