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Old 11-05-06, 12:10
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Adey Baker Adey Baker is offline  
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My shot is full-frame and as Tannin says it could probably do with the tree being off-centre. Left of centre would be best but you can probably see a twig just in the right of the frame that is the outermost part of a closer tree which prevented such a composition. The shot was with a telephoto through a gap and the only other composition really open to me was vertical, which I didn't like.

It's probably a bit of a clichéd shot but I was drawn to the single 'lonely' tree surrounded by yellow. However, without any uprights to give a reference to the horizon, I thought it hadn't worked properly so I didn't put in in the gallery.

It's a good starting point for this thread, though, isn't it!

'Write when there is something you know: and not before: and not too damned much after' Ernest Hemingway
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