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Old 19-06-06, 23:06
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Originally Posted by Gidders

Why is the defraction limit camera specific rather than lens specific

To me it appears to be pixel pitch rather than camera specific. Hence the D100 6mp sensor responded as per the D70. I would expect the D50 to fall at the same point. My experience of this so far has been that it is from that point on apperture specific rather than lens specific. Macro lens does a bit better over the diffraction limit than a standard zoom but I guess that somewhere along the line it is better corrected for small apertures. ie my 50mm f1.4 only goes to f16, and a soft one at that, and the 55 f2.8 micro goes to f32.

No doubt some techie will come up with an answer but in the mean time I have just done the simple thing and taken test pics to establish my own limits. I don't know if quality glass behaves any differently, bank balance could not take the strain of that experiment.

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