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Old 07-01-06, 16:08
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Canis Vulpes Canis Vulpes is offline  
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Nikon Capture takes around 5 mins per complex operation but Bibble is instant. The computer specification is higher than the minimum Nikon suggest and I am aware its known to be very slow.

I believe that a computer should be upgraded when it does not perform acceptably or has failed. Photoshop CS2 performs to my satisfaction but NC dos not.

If I can divert to question two by rephrasing it...

What RAW converter is renowned for quality output, similar to NC. I am thinking of trying another but appreciate the views of other members.

I have tried RAW shooter but did not like the way sharpness is added in the viewer without any control. Bibble I also have but find it complex, learning is not an issue but I found NC easier to use but slow, I payed for NC but trialled Bibble.
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