Thread: Revenge
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Old 20-08-13, 08:48
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Default Revenge

A short how to.
I have added a B&A so you can see how i more or less went about it. I did as much as i could in camera and at the time i couldn't find a garden to my liking. it was taken two years ago and edited the other week as I had some time on my hands and i also found the garden i wanted to use . I did an edit back then but it never worked due to the background i used. So don't just throw anything in and make do, it doesn't work as I have found out overtime.

It was a four light setup. The main light in this image was the one @ camera left and slightly behind her. The rim light @ camera right was set a lot lower as i wanted to create a rim but not overpowering the main. The other two were to the front for fill and to create highlights.

Post was mainly D&B, colour balance, Inverted surface blur for detail, added a painterly look using reduce noise and high pass, added a sky, garden, wasp, smoke and birds, added the tip of her finger on her left hand, removed sticker on plant pot and just did some free style to add the overall look i wanted at the time.

Hope this is of use to you.


Last edited by creativesnaps; 21-08-13 at 00:14.
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