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Old 03-10-10, 16:23
Phil66 Phil66 is offline  
Join Date: Oct 2010
Location: The Black Country, UK
Posts: 5


Thanks for that, I'll check them out. I used to have an SLR but I lost interest when the prints came back and they weren't very good due to incorrect setting, which I could never remember and couldn't be bothered writing down at the time of taking the picture.
Since joining the National Trust I have come upon many difficult situations to shoot which has made me use the various (though limited) manual settings on the Ixus which, in turn has ignited an interest in photography, I think mainly because you can get a fair idea of how it is, you can take quite a few shots of the same subject without paying for developing, and you can see what setting were used.
I don't think I am ready for a DSLR yet though, they look a bit cumbersome to carry around and then there's the big bag with lenses in and swapping and changing them all the time.

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