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Old 02-01-08, 12:33
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Question Focus screens for MF lenses on Nikon D bodies

Hi everyone,
I have a question.

Has anyone had experience of taking out the AF focus screen on their Nikon D bodies and replacing with split screen/ micro prism variants?

I've been searching through the web. Officially Nikon don't seem to offer too many alternatives. HOWEVER.......

My D1h is now fitted with a modified K (FM) screen.
AF focus still seems accurate, though the meter has been thrown out maybe 1/3 stop? (although PS /NX sorts that one). Another bad thing...the screen is under a mmm short at each end, a 'gap' cannot be seen as such, but is enough to merit aligning the screen so the prism is in the middle of the view finder area, rather than off to one side.

I've been looking for a list of Nikon screens for other models, with diagrams or atleast explainations of each...basically so if any are a better fit I don't end up with another AF only screen.

Ffordes have lots for sale....

D2H Screen E[Nikon] Mint- £15.00
D2X Screen W[Nikon] Mint- £15.00
F/F2 Screen C[Nikon] E++ £15.00
F/F2 Screen G1[Nikon] E++ £15.00
F/F2 Screen G3[Nikon] E++ £15.00
F/F2 Screen H1[Nikon] E++ £15.00
F/F2 Screen H3[Nikon] E++ £15.00
F/F2 Screen H4[Nikon] E++ £15.00
F100 Screen B Mint- £15.00
F3 Screen G1 E++ £15.00
F3 Screen G4[Nikon] E++ £15.00
F3 Screen H4[Nikon] E++ £15.00
F3 Screen K[Nikon] E++ £20.00
F4/S Screen B[Nikon] E++ £20.00
F4/S Screen G1[Nikon] E++ £20.00
F4/S Screen U[Nikon] E++ £20.00
F5 Screen B[Nikon] New £15.00
F5 Screen G1[Nikon] Mint- £15.00
F5 Screen G2[Nikon] Mint- £15.00
F5 Screen G3[Nikon] E++ £15.00
F5 Screen J[Nikon] Mint- £15.00
F501 Screen B[Nikon] New £9.00
F501 Screen E[Nikon] Mint £9.00
F6 Screen A[Nikon] Mint- £19.00
F6 Screen L[Nikon] E++ £19.00
F801/S Screen B[Nikon] E++ £12.00
F801/S Screen E[Nikon] E++ £9.00
F90/X Screen B[Nikon] Mint- £12.00
FA/FE2 Screen K2[Nikon] E++ £12.00

Would any of these fit directly into D1 series stuff, and provide MF focus aids?....I don't fancy getting the Dremel out to mod' another one!

Anyone any references to the physical dimensions of Nikon focus screens? (so I can get the vernier out!)

I've heard stories of after market companies like beattie offering alternatives in the older MF film days, but haven't heard much since AF digi came on the scene.

Thoughts/experiences grately appreciated
primarily using Nikon film and digi kit, and some micro 4/3rds gear for experimenting with old lenses

Last edited by Joe; 02-01-08 at 13:27.
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