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Old 10-01-06, 16:58
Jon Sharp's Avatar
Jon Sharp Jon Sharp is offline
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Join Date: Dec 2005
Location: Cockermouth, Cumbria
Posts: 319

I've tried a few options still haven't found a decent system - I did use photoimpact album for a while with reasonable success. The problem I found was whatever package used requires extensive manual intervention to file, keyword etc.

Currently I use my pictures to store the images (jpegs) in custom folders - i.e. bird photos under Birds. I use the original file name and number given by the camera (all shots taken in RAW). I then browse in photoshop and use it's "file info" meta data to add additional keywords. If I wish to find a picture I can then either browse through the folder or perform a keyword search in photoshop.

The RAW files I transfer to CD (2 copies) in numerical batches and only bring these out if I need the image for something and I feel the original JPEG I created could be improved (which is probably most of them because I've taken a poor shot in the first place!).
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