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Old 01-02-06, 07:06
GavinM GavinM is offline  
Join Date: Jan 2006
Location: Moscow, Russia
Posts: 70
Default French Magazine: Photo

I've found this kind of hard to find in the UK lately, but you can definitely order it from good newsagents.

Lots and lots of photography in there, some of it very odd, some of it very ordinary and some of it extraordinary.

The current issue has a focus on reader's pictures - no commentary or critique, just lots of them. They also tend to break a lot of new photographers and regularly publish sets from 'the masters'. Gear reviews, articles and news in french take up about 10% of the mag; fine if you speak or want to learn French, no big deal if you don't.

Not to be confused with the American version of the magazine, they couldn't be more different and the content is not the same.
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