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Old 01-02-06, 17:19
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Sounds like good advice. Thank you.

Originally Posted by Jon Sharp
It's something that I've also considered and for some wildlife I'm sure essential but from recent experience finding a regular territory and wearing suitable clothing and just sitting still can often pay off.

I guess it depends on what your photographing - bearing in mind that if you intend to use it area open to the public you'll have to put it up and take it down each time you visit. This could be potentially more obvious and a disturbance to the subject than you just sitting there. If it's failry privae and wooded is it possible to make a hide from the material around - like the camps we all used to make as a child!

I haven't yet been approached by any dogs, even though I do visit numerous public parks, though I do tend to wander away from the main tracks into undergrowth. Having said that one or two people oblivious to me until they got close have been a bit startled.

I sit with a tree or bush behind me, and also the sun so that hopefully the subject is well lit and I'm in the shade reducing further my visibility. I face toward a tree or clearing I know to be used by the subject I'm interested in. More often than not they appear and it's then just a matter of time till I get a shot.

To some extent the public parks help in this as often the wildlife including the birds are more used to human visitors than those in remoter areas - I guess this is similar for snapping in back gardens.

Hope this helps!
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