Thread: RAW or JPEG
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Old 05-02-09, 22:34
gordon g gordon g is offline  
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Originally Posted by yelvertoft View Post
Yay! Someone else who can't see the point of raw+jpeg, I thought it was only me. The only time I can think it would be useful would be for a wedding photographer who needs to get a set of proofs rushed to the bride before she leaves the reception or another "must have NOW" user need, press 'tog perhaps? Otherwise, I struggle to understand the need for shooting dual format.
I'm another one Duncan.
When I first went digital, a little over 2 years ago now, I used Phase one software, and thought it was great until Lightroom came along. But now, I am firmly hooked on Lightroom. As mentioned above, there is no need to convert from raw at all now, unless for a specific purpose such as web use, and that can be done in a few clicks.
Regarding jpeg only capture - there are advantages - speed in camera and on download, more images per card being the main ones I can think of. But I would have to be absolutely sure I'd nailed it in camera, and got the colour space I needed for the end product, and correct resolution, pixel dimensions etc. Overall, RAW gives you control over all these variables, and some wriggle room on exposure and curves without compromising image quality. (I should add that it depends on what your end product is - I print up to 18" by 12", so things like compression artifacts, posterisation of colours, loss of edge detail etc would be big problems for me.)
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