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Old 05-12-11, 11:38
Crilly Crilly is offline  
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Location: Manchester
Posts: 7
Default re:...110 hours later

Hey guys, Thanks for your replies to the video.

I suppose it is kinda confusing to people who don't know about web dev. I'm in that place where I don't really think about, it is instantly understandable by everyone I know because we're all in the industry in one form or another.

The aim wasn't to be educational in anyway, although I would imagine that the script below the video does make it out to be (I've not really read it, that is a copy writers job, lol) The aim of the video was to try and make an otherwise boring process into a more engaging one. Quite often when we talk about web dev all-soughts of acronyms come out and I'm sure that to people outside the loop it just sounds like another language. People give up trying to understand before they even get started because of this.

So the real aim of the video was just to 'be cool'. Let those that get it, get it. and hopefully those don't get it, left mildly interested lol.

I hope that clears some stuff up. If you want more details on how it was made or about web dev in general.. I'm right here
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