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Old 18-12-07, 08:37
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yelvertoft yelvertoft is offline  
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Having had a sleep on it, another few things that will hinder your hackers would be, on a regular basis (suggest weekly to begin with, then swap to monthly):

1) Change your network name (SSID)
2) Change the channel number
3) Change the PSK
4) Disable SSID broadcast

EVERYONE should do steps 1) and 4) as a matter of course, though perhaps not on such a regular basis as I suggest. The SSID should be a random ASCII (not just alpha-numeric) character string, as long as the router can handle.

As you appear to have people who are determined to crack into your network, doing steps 2) and 3) on a regular basis will frustrate their attempts. Doing all of the above, regularly, at the same time will really slow them down as they will have to rescan for your network and start the cracking process all over again.

Other practical measures would be to move the router to a room further away from the side facing your hackers as I suggested above, if this is not possible, ensure that there are no windows in the line of sight between your router and the receiving antenna.

Hope this helps frustrate them.

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