Thread: Is POTW Dead?
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Old 24-10-12, 09:20
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While I like omalanrf's idea in principle, with the challenge there is getting people to enter one photo for the fortnightly comp (guilty ), and voting in general, I think this is making it more complicated and regrettably think it wouldn't work.

Originally Posted by graham harcombe View Post
... other than a small group of regular members doing the choosing and posting. But that's 'back to square one' isn't it?
Except if within that small group of regulars each week it was just down to one of the group to make the choice. The following week it would be down to a different person. if the group consisted of only four regulars + the two mods - each person would only have to do the choosing once every six weeks.

And another advantage of having one individual choosing is that perhaps they could include a couple of words saying why they liked that particular photo.

Ok so you might say that the choice of one person isn't representative, possibly not, but then because each of us perhaps look for different things, we would get a variety of styles & types of image.

Also you might say "I dont feel qualified to choose" but it is a personal thing, you know what you like. If you have voted under the present system, or in the fortnightly competition you are making a choice.

It would probably need one person to take overall responsibility for managing how it works & the rota but I dont see that as onerous once the system was put in place (my hand is up but happy to for it to be anyone)

Thoughts anyone? And people like the idea, any volunteers to join the panel?
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