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Old 19-12-08, 15:38
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yelvertoft yelvertoft is offline  
Join Date: Dec 2005
Location: North Essex, UK
Age: 60
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I upload all my pictures from a particular session into a general "dumping ground" folder. I sort through these and delete the obvious dross. I then look through them a lot more critically and delete the less obvious dross; I may do a third pass to filter more rubbish. When I'm happy that I'm down to the last few images worth keeping, I'll create an appropriately titled folder/sub-folder under "My Pictures" and move the remnants into there. A good filing system does not have a "miscellaneous" section. I have some folders with only one or two images in. Be detailed in your folder naming system and you'll be able to find things again. I don't bother renaming files at all, or tagging with keywords, I simply rely on a detailed folder naming structure. This works for me, your mileage may vary.

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