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Old 08-01-07, 22:53
Leif Leif is offline  
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Join Date: Jan 2006
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I used to use them all the while, and have bought numerous cameras - Nikon F50, F70, F80 - and other items from them. But after a while - about 10 years - I realised that they kept screwing up.

I remember ringing up a branch, asking if they had a camera in stock, asking them to reserve it, and then driving 30 miles to find that they had sold it minutes after I put the phone down. The manager did sort out a replacement after a 30 minute wait while he made phone calls to head office, but that sort of screw up is typical.

And I remember taking in a camera and lens for repair, and getting a quote for £200. So I said yes, and some weeks later they gave me back one unrepaired camera and one cleaned lens. £200 to clean a lens! And that was 10 years ago. Quite why I remained polite I know not.

I went to the same shop to ask for a replacement item for a ball head that I bought in the Oxford Street branch.

Assistant: "We don't sell those."
Me: "I bought it at your London branch".
Assistant: "No you didn't."

On another occasion I ordered a lens described as like new. They couldn't find it. So I argued loudly, and eventually after 10 minutes they found it. And it was not as described. So I complained in writing, and astonishingly they sent me a £20 voucher and a very apologetic letter. (I hope no-one is getting any ideas. ) But I haven't been back.

I am tempted to say that I do not know how they will survive, but I do. They are a high street chain, and they are convenient, and provide a semblance of service, and more importantly, immediate gratification for the acquisitive masses. I bought an Ipod from Currys, because they were convenient. So maybe that is it. They sell lots of modest price items.

For cameras I prefer Warehouse Express and Speed Graphic, or even Grays of Westminster who often have stuff when others don't though they charge an arm and a leg.
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