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Old 24-02-06, 11:48
Subzero Subzero is offline  
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Join Date: Jan 2006
Posts: 104

When we took images of fish in tanks,we did the following, which may/may not be of use as a starter for you.
Clean inside and outside of the glass panel that you are going take image through.Get a piece of clear glass that is almost same size as the end panel you are going to shoot through.This piece glass is so that you can "contain" the fish within a "narrow band" and maintain a constant focus on it.You will need one/two flash units of low to medium power ie not one which turns night into day(unless power can be turned down).Try one at front above the fish (right up against the glass) at about 30deg to the glass and if required the other from the side.Do not worry too much at this stage about reflections, lets see if you can at least get an image and then see where the reflections are coming from.Try to avoid areas of the tanks where the airation pipes etc are, and allow the fish to settle otherwise it may churn up loads of sediment from the tank bottom.Don Hoey maybe able to advise you on how to trigger the flash from 20 feet.
What sort of fish is it anyway?
regards subzero
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