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Some of my "Toys" for Rudra & Others.

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Old 10-04-08, 20:38
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Originally Posted by andy153 View Post
I started this thread in order to share with others what I thought was a very interesting development that could make post processing simpler and more accurate. These "filters" - Dfine; Viveza; and Sharpener Pro do what I think 99% of us do almost every time. They reduce noise, correct colour and sharpen - simply and non destructively.
The only real "toy" is the Colorefex Pro 3 which is a straight, multiple effect filter set.

I look forward to your thoughts and those of others.

Kind of links into my previous post.
I am still trying to get to learn my current progs. Even if I had the cash to get another, I would not, unless it could do something I specifically wanted that could not be achieved by what I currently have. Example CS3 gives an easier route to B&W conversion but that would not justify its purchase.

As you have NX and CS2 perhaps you can advise other than the filters, the advantage this package offers.

Re processing - my current state :-

Noise reduction ......... Never use it, then again I do not shoot over ISO 400.
Sharpening ......... CS is fine for me. I would need to see a comparison that shows Nik sharpener pro can better than what I am currently quite happy with.
Colour correction ........ I sometimes use Black or White point in NX but not always, otherwise none.

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Old 10-04-08, 21:29
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Hi Don,
As you have NX and CS2 perhaps you can advise other than the filters, the advantage this package offers.
Thinking about this in particular I suppose that Dfine; Sharpener Pro and Viveza are most of benefit to Capture NX and Photoshop CS3 users, though they are designed to be compatible with any program that use Photoshop Plugins. Certainly CS2 and CS3, and Aperture 2 to follow.

I suppose then that the main advantage is that they are integrated within the main program ie they become part of CS2; CS3; - When you install them they create a separate Nik Software Folder in the plugin/filter folder among all the others. So instead of going to sharpen - unsharp mask - I go to Nik Software - Sharpener Pro and carry on as I would with unsharp mask. They all - also have a built on Loupe window with a preview so I can see the effect it would have - if applied - variable up to 400%. This I think is a big plus for them. Also you can save settings to use again if needed. The ColorEfex also works as part of the parent program and has the same built in loupe windows / live preview and the ability to save settings.

The preview / loupe window definitely saves me time - speaking personally - I've lost count of the number of times I reduced noise and had to undo the effect and re-calibrate strength etc. With it - you can see the result of the effect fully - before you apply it. In the words of the TV show "to Buy or not to Buy" - you can "try before you buy" - no commitment to a final result.
Also all these programs / filters come with a free trial period.

By the way 30-40 was an exaggeration - most I've managed - trying to push it - was 14 separate filters before CS3 crashed.
"I take pictures of what I like - if someone else likes them - that's a bonus" Andy M.



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Old 10-04-08, 22:11
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As far as I can see only the Efex filters are an addition to Capture NX and nik software and Nikon are pretty much part of same group.

So Don you would be using the other things as part of the NX workflow anyway (if you do). This does slightly explain why NX appears to have such a battery of tools with overlaps, some descended from Capture 4, some from the Nik groupees.

It might be convenient to have the Niks up one's sleeve within CS3, but apart from u-point again I would have thought duplicating what is already there. Likewise efex as a plugin for NX if one should want it.

In NX you can see the effect of what you are doing at any scale you want and each 'step' can be either damped down by reducing opacity, turned off for time being or deleted if totally discarded.

While on 'u-point', anyone using it should be aware that its effect can be far more obvious on prints than on screen; it should not be used with the gay abandon Nikon tutorials suggest if intending to print, and always with edge feathered.
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Old 10-04-08, 22:53
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Thanks for that Chris - I agree with you. Printing definitely becomes a different ball-game and I suppose that is why people like Rudra will use large proofing machines and other commercial software to match photo to print.

As for Dfine, Viveza and Sharpen I do think they expand NX a bit - not much perhaps - but a bit so perhaps they are superfluous if using Capture NX - but I find them very good with CS3.
"I take pictures of what I like - if someone else likes them - that's a bonus" Andy M.



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Old 10-04-08, 23:35
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Andy - going back a few posts - don't stop having fun with photoshop filters and effects! If you don't earn a living from photography then it should always be fun, or relaxing, anyway.

I often have a play around with an image to see what happens. In the 'good old days' of film I tried everything from Technical Pan up to GAF (Anscochrome) 500 via Photomicrography Colour film (PCF 2483) and Extachrome Infrared slides to add a bit of variety to 'straight' shots. The trick is not to show about 50 'pink-foliaged' shots one after the other to an increasingly bored friend - rather, stick the odd one in amongst the normal shots for effect.

Of course, one man's 'effect' is another man's 'normal practice' - I often use photoshop's duotone for B+W shots as I prefer it to the neutral tones that come with a straight B+W conversion. It's easy to overdo the effect, probably because great subtlety goes unnoticed! Again, the odd dramatic shot won't go amiss as long as you don't do too many.

The preview window for the variable effects in photoshop can be zoomed up to 800% to check on the fine details at pixel level.


'Write when there is something you know: and not before: and not too damned much after' Ernest Hemingway
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Old 11-04-08, 08:37
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Thanks for that Adey. I've just re-checked - the Nik previews also go to 800%. Overnight I have been thinking about this thread - and apart from the "toys" I hope I'm encouraging people to "think beyond the image", a phrase I often use and one that was instilled in me by a late friend who took me under his photographic wing in my earlier days. I was in my late twenties and had left home and he rekindled in me the passion that my father, my original mentor, had had. I think that this mentoring is possibly the most important part of being a photographer of any sort - passing on all we can to those who follow us into this great hobby/pastime or occupation. This site has some great photographers and many newbies and beginners. We all began somewhere and some of us may never wish to go beyond snapping family pics, but even there we can learn and encourage one another. Some may feel comfortable and safe where they are in their photographic journey, but unless we are continually pushing at the boundaries - as these software developers are as they bring us new "toys" - and we experiment with them - then we are in danger of stagnation which is very dangerous to our "art".
"I take pictures of what I like - if someone else likes them - that's a bonus" Andy M.



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Old 11-04-08, 19:47
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Hi again all - I've just spent most of my day at a memorial service at Manchester Cathedral and again I have reflected on this thread. Many of us who read it will I hope agree with me that we owe Rudra a great debt of gratitude for lifting the veil on, what for me certainly, was a real revelation about the work and care that goes into advertising photography. Yet for me his signature work is still those shots of the mountains and valleys with the rolling thunderous clouds, other shots also leap to my mind, you may recall them yourselves - a simple flight of stairs, a superb record of a machine made by the photographer, some great shots of Cambodia, of a girl called Freya, a mandarin duck, a snipe, a tulip, of aircraft, trains, ships, of Whitby and its Abbey, numerous portraits and experiments - in fact they are too many to mention.

So what is the purpose of my "toys" as I call them? In many ways my photographic heart is in landscape, architecture and abstract or experimental forms.

The "TOYS"- the software has two functions - in the landscape and architecture its function is to enable me to do any post processing necessary as quickly and easily as possible. In the abstract or experimental form it is to enable me to go as far as possible in turning out what I consider to be a work of art, a concept that goes way beyond the record of the original subject.

This I think best explains my love of effect filters.

If a byproduct of that is something that I feel makes normal post processing easier and for me more intuitive then I feel I must share it with others. If they don't agree - fine - we all develop our own ways of working - just as some of us use Canon's or Pentax and Windows instead of Nikon's and Apple Mac's. And let's face it - some of us even still dabble in developer, hypo and fixer !!

All the Nik software mentioned comes in FREE TRIAL VERSIONS - If you like it - fine - If you don't - fine. But unless we try these things we never know - for example - Photoshop CS3 better than CS2 ?? Of course it is - its on another planet! Too expensive ? Way over the top! but that's the price of progress and anyway once we find what suits us why bother changing?
"I take pictures of what I like - if someone else likes them - that's a bonus" Andy M.



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Old 11-04-08, 20:34
Rudra Sen Rudra Sen is offline  
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Originally Posted by andy153 View Post
Yet for me his signature work is still those shots of the mountains and valleys with the rolling thunderous clouds
Thanks a ton Andy. They're are my choice too.
other shots also leap to my mind, you may recall them yourselves - a simple flight of stairs, a superb record of a machine made by the photographer, some great shots of Cambodia, of a girl called Freya, a mandarin duck, a snipe, a tulip, of aircraft, trains, ships, of Whitby and its Abbey, numerous portraits and experiments - in fact they are too many to mention.
You said it Andy! There's so much to learn from this forum!
All the Nik software mentioned comes in FREE TRIAL VERSIONS - If you like it - fine - If you don't - fine. But unless we try these things we never know
Andy, me for instance like to see these products. One never knows What Lies Beneath...
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Old 16-04-08, 17:43
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What happen? Nobody has anything more to share or what?
Actually, I was expecting Sassan to make some comments here...
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Old 16-04-08, 19:13
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Hi again Rudra - I think you'll find that the sun came out briefly, over here and those with cameras were probably scampering about taking pictures - I used to work nights and I remember once that I slept through what little summer and sun we had - went to South of France that year to find some sun! It's interesting - unless people contribute - we do not know how many have actually read this thread - so I'll add what I think is a nugget and see if we get any response.

FREE ADMISSION: From the 30th May until 12th July there is an exhibition entitled

"The Treasures of the English Church" at The Goldsmiths Hall, Foster Lane, London EC2V 6BN
Tel:020 7606 7010. or www.thegoldsmiths.co.uk

- this is near St. Paul's Tube Station

It consists of Church Plate and other Silver and Gold items ( over 300 exhibits ) from 800 - 2000.

By the way I also use some of the Fred Miranda plugins and they have been updated recently along with "Autopano" which I find is the best panorama software for the Mac. It's a stand alone program that drops easily into CS3 or other programs.
"I take pictures of what I like - if someone else likes them - that's a bonus" Andy M.



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