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Digital Software - Migrating System

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Old 13-06-09, 14:00
arlowood arlowood is offline
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Default Digital Software - Migrating System

Hi Guys

I have just taken the plunge to upgrade from my trusty Kodak DX6490 digital to a Canon Powershot G7.
I have owned the Kodak for around 6 years and over that period have built up quite a library on my PC which is separted into to specific folders within the Kodak Easyshare software.
When I switch to the new Canon, I would like to avoid having 2 sets of photo management software running at the same time. However I don't know if it is possible to migrate my library into the Canon software and still preserve the folder structure.
I suppose I could review all the raw files on my hard drive and reassign each photo to a new folder in the Canon software but with over 1000 images, I'm convinced that I will lose the will to live before I complete the exercise.

Has anyone got any experience of migrating to a different manufacturer's software and how they handled it? Or, should I look for another solution eg upload my Kodak folders to a web based library and then use that also for my Canon images?

Any thoughts and tips would be appreciated.

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Old 13-06-09, 20:58
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Hi there, welcome to WPF - enjoy the forum. Sorry to say it, but if it were me, I would start with a stand alone program something like Adobe Lightroom or one of the other PC edit/manage bits of software. I cannot help much as I am a Mac man, but I've always had trouble with Kodak Easyshare. I would bite the bullet and get something that will stand on its own and upgrade easily and will outlast your Canon. If you go for another make of camera in the future you will face the same problem as now. I would not rely on web storage and would work from your original RAW files - tedious I know but I suggest safer in the long run.
"I take pictures of what I like - if someone else likes them - that's a bonus" Andy M.



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Old 14-06-09, 16:22
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Hello arlowood, welcome to WPF.

Presumably, the folder structure is there within your Windows folders, and you can browse the files directly using Windows Explorer? If so, I see no reason why you cannot browse the folders using the software that comes with your Canon, or, as Andy suggests, using some other software such as Adobe Bridge, or the file manager that comes with Photoshop Elements, or similar. There's no compelling reason to use the software that comes bundled with your camera (I certainly don't), most image editing programs come with some form of file browser. The files from your Kodak are a standard format, which can be read by other programs.

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image, library, software, switching

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