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Old 23-07-06, 20:21
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Hi everyone and thanks purplebyron for bringing this point out. I completely share your view point.
I am coming here from another site that people go shading blood on critique and actually can't say I am totally against it as I seem to have learned a lot. What made me to leave that site was injustice and disrespect of Admins and managers of the site to participants and members, a thing that you just see the opposite here. Truly I really like the polite dominant atmosphere of WPF, thing is one needs to get aware of all possibilities here and as navigation is a bite difficult here(Please excuse me for bringing this up), one needs to get to know site well first.
I personally truly believe that one can make the worst possible (But right) critiques from a picture, but in way that is acceptable to listener who actually could like the gain in information at the end, when this is compatible with the way critique is express. I personally mostly try to leave 2 section in my comments on "Gallery", the "Pros" and "Cones", or in photographers language, Positives and Negatives. I never take any critics word as if written on stone, instead a reflection of a kind person's view in interaction with a picture. I can only give that advise to you that I am aware off, that could be completely useless to you or very important. You won't be knowing that unless see me, placing those words. I can learn, pass or forget as the condition may mandate, that is it for me.
Though I fully respect the well separation of Critique & Gallery here on WPF, me too, would like to see more comments about my pictures in both sections, and may be combining the 2 could theoretically increase that likelihood, however there is a reason that I am here and not on other photo site, that could well be just this simple separation as I am not sure of that reason but see that it works for me.
It is easy to develop a peer group and members of community that you can interact with easily and feel comfortable with, others then turn into valuable potential bonus.
As for now I am trying to leave less critiques in Gallery, but won't hesitate to express my feeling even though I might be a lot less experience than the person that I leave my notes for. BTW I may admit that, this happens with a grain of salt and I make sure not to repeat if I see the photographer is too sensitive to my words, if so expressed. I am still not sure about those who do not made any comments, (I do try to go back and check response of others on my notes, within the limitations of site). Lets use this opportunity and ask anyone who does not like to see my comments on their pictures and will gladly try not to bother them in future, at the same time I am requesting everyone to interact freely with my pictures. I love to see more comments as every comment is a way of looking at something new that can potentially improve my work.

I Like the "Bin OR Keep" idea too. In fact would love to see option for checking one out of 3 boxes for every picture in Critique forum or Gallery for: 1- Bin or Negative 2- Not sure 3- Keep or Positive. I understand adding the element of "Not sure" could not help photographer but at least it can be considered as a polite NO or a low grade complimentary YES to photographer as they wish to interpret. At least another indication that some one wanted to somehow acknowledge their work.
Even if this forum does not bring any change, I alway like to see people can bring out the words as I firmly believe 2 can think better than One, One can make the decision better than two, combine the two and a better decision is more likely...
S a s s a n .


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Last edited by sassan; 23-07-06 at 20:28.
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