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Old 26-10-18, 16:01
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Default How about "Then & Now" game?

Not necessary a Game to win or lose but it could be interesting:

Not too long back, one of the members here (Mo), posted a nostalgic image of his Dad, from many many years back in a park, next to some trees & a relatively specific location. (LINK) and I suggested if he can go and find the same exact location of the park to replicate the image, with himself being the subject this time, after many decades and may be one day his children can do the same...

I've seen many old images posted by other members in relation to landmarks, in the Gallery, here. This bring me to the question that why not use this as an excuse to have some fun?
So here it goes: Game of "Then & Now".
If you have an old image and can reproduce a similar view of that location now, how abut a trial and effort to show how it looks now then post it here for everyone to enjoy? At least its a good excuse to open up that old album and un-dust some memories! Who knows, may be you have a perfect picture of "Then" that can be compared to "Now".

Post your images directly in the gallery and if use the title as above.

Here is a few link to a web page with some similar theme that might be inspiring.

and this LINK that takes it to a different photographic level.

Hope you can participate and fun is the name of the game as unfortunately there is no other prize to win
S a s s a n .


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