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Old 07-07-16, 00:15
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Graham: Excellent choice.

Trena: This image has more than one dimension of abstract and sure a very right choice for the POTW. One day I should find out how you do it but may take a long time
Congratulations. May we proceed and officially call you "Trena The Abstract Master".

Dave: Long time back, I felt exactly what you feel right now but believe or not, that is not the case. Number of people who actively participate in this site are not too many and wish this would increase significantly to have more variety. As a new member in panel this year (Just like yourself), I must add too, I never look at the name, as stated by Trena or who is my friend or pal. I believe in fairness to all and also believe in my own judgment and what is good picture for one or many reasons and finally what that makes an image more superior compare to the rest. After all this is only a tiny positive feedback and a small taste to the site with no financial or otherwise rewards for the winner. Because the person who choose the winner, changes every week, the Bias in selection is really reduced significantly, if not totally.
The main purpose of this web site is "Gallery". Nothing else. To me, its one of the easiest way to find my older images in an organized and safe way, when I want to, even though I have accounts with numerous other sites. One great feature of this site is the fact that every one is modest and tries to help rather than pull someone by the leg.
And more importantly, please and please inject your ideas into you action as stated regarding your decision on how to choose for this week's winner. After all at the end, one who goes over the POTW gallery, should like all that he / she looks over there, as representative of the Best of that week, rather than questioning all, as to why or what is selected. I would say at least in 30% or more occasions, my choice is the same as what is selected for the week or at least one of the 5 as candidate, therefore I personally believe in fairness of the selection here, specially in this contest.
There are many other activities to the site, including "Games" that if interested, you can participate, such as "What is it?" or even create your own and let others to participate.
I firmly believe all that maters is the members participation and not the winning in this or any other activity of the site. After all we all need to unwind form the harder hours of regular life and this is one great avenue.
A lot of time, the nice participation about a picture is all that drives me to this site and nothing more important than that, when my time is spent is a good and happy way.
S a s s a n .


"No one is going to take our democracy away from us. Not now, not ever.

Last edited by sassan; 07-07-16 at 00:40.
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